What has the introduction of the WAMCA brought us so far? 

After two years it is time to take stock

Since 1 January 2020, it has been possible for claimants in the Netherlands to recover damages in collective actions under the Dutch Act on Collective Damages Claims (“WAMCA”). After two years of proceedings under the WAMCA, it is time to take stock.

  • What has the introduction of the WAMCA brought us so far?
  • How many collective claims have been filed under the WAMCA, and what kind of claims are involved?
  • Do we see mainly Dutch companies that have to defend themselves against the claims filed or also foreign companies?
  • How many claims have been funded externally by litigation funders and for what consideration?
  • How many claims have been granted or rejected to date?
  • What can we expect from the WAMCA for the coming years
  • if we look at the figures that we have currently available?

These and other questions are answered by means of quantitative analysis. This quantitative analysis will be updated periodically, and future trends will be made visible once more data becomes available.


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