Litigation Funding for Antitrust Actions

Recovering losses caused by anticompetitive practices.

Deminor works to recover losses incurred by antitrust actions

Litigation funding serves as a critical tool for levelling the playing field and ensuring that victims of anticompetitive behaviour can pursue justice effectively.

Antitrust cases often involve complex legal battles against well-funded corporations or entities accused of stifling competition and harming consumers. Litigation funding provides financial support to plaintiffs, enabling them to navigate lengthy and resource-intensive litigation processes.

By covering legal expenses, expert fees, and other costs associated with antitrust actions, litigation funding empowers plaintiffs to pursue their claims vigorously, holding wrongdoers accountable and seeking fair compensation for the harm caused by anticompetitive practices.

You could join one of our antitrust actions if a cartel or another anticompetitive practice had an impact...


...on goods or services you sold or bought.


...during a defined period of time.

globe-1 a certain country or market.

Do you have questions for us?

Do you want to report a suspected anticompetitive practice?
DEM-Antitrust Actions presentation - How do we recover your lose - V2

Common types of antitrust actions

  • Price Fixing: Occurs when competitors agree to set prices at an artificial level, thereby eliminating competition and harming consumers.
  • Market Allocation: Involves agreements among competitors to divide territories or markets among themselves, limiting competition and consumer choice.
  • Monopolisation: Refers to the abuse of market power by a single company to suppress competition, typically through tactics such as predatory pricing or exclusive dealing.
  • Bid Rigging: Occurs when competitors agree on who will win a bid for a contract, artificially inflating prices and undermining the competitive bidding process.
  • Tying and Bundling: Involves a company forcing buyers to purchase one product (the tying product) in order to purchase another product (the tied product), thus leveraging its market power to stifle competition.
Your success is our success:

We are only paid when we win or settle your case.

Deminor handles all litigation costs and receives a percentage of the losses recovered.

Find out more


success rate

How litigation funding can be used within antitrust actions

  • Access to Justice: Providing financial resources to cover legal costs such as lawyer fees, court fees, and expert witness expenses.
  • Cash Flow Preservation: Managing cash flow for plaintiffs during lengthy legal proceedings, allowing them to cover living expenses and other costs.
  • Risk Management: Reducing the financial risk for plaintiffs by covering the costs of litigation in exchange for a portion of the potential settlement or award.
  • Levelling the Playing Field: Enabling individuals or small businesses to pursue legal action against larger, well-funded defendants, ensuring fair access to legal recourse.
  • Encouraging Meritorious Claims: Encouraging meritorious claims to proceed by providing funding for cases with strong legal merit but limited financial resources.
DEM-Antitrust Actions presentation - HOW THEY WORK

We only make money when you do

No upfront costs: no cure, no pay.


A simple win
is not enough

Only if you effectively cash in the proceeds do we take our agreed share. Our commission ranges from 10% to 35%, depending on complexity, risks and jurisdiction.


No downside in
case of loss

If the case is lost, you owe Deminor nothing. If you are ordered to pay expenses to the adverse party, Deminor pays them.

Want to learn more about antitrust actions

and your options to recover your losses?

Join our antitrust actions now

You may recover your losses on a “no cure, no pay” basis by joining a pending Antitrust Action still open for registration:

Trucks cartel

Trucks cartel

UPDATE: The European Court of Justice confirms the €880 million fine imposed on...