Deminor publications
Access our library of key e-books, whitepapers and publications on litigation funding and related topics.

Litigation Funding e-book
Why would a corporation or law firm make use of third-party funding for its litigation or arbitration claims?
- Does it work for all claims?
- How does it work and what are the steps from initial assessment to closing of the funding?
These and many other questions will be addressed in our Litigation Funding e-book.
Download the e-book now
Antitrust Actions e-book
Why are you entitled to seek compensation when you have been affected by a cartel, an abuse of dominant position or another form of anticompetitive practice?
How can you be informed of opportunities to seek compensation?
- What are the first steps you should take?
- What should you expect if you decide to participate in an Antitrust Action organized and funded by Deminor?
These, and many other questions will be addressed in our Antitrust Actions e-book.
Download the e-book now
Deminor Alert and Monitoring Service (DAMS)
DAMS is Deminor’s complimentary service for institutional investors, who wish to be informed of international recovery opportunities.
DAMS can provide you with:
- Monthly alerts about potential investment recovery cases, newly launched cases and settlements worldwide, straight to your inbox
- Recommendations for action
- Detailed analyses of each case, follow-up information monthly

Litigation Funding from a European Perspective
Litigation funding opportunities are rising in Europe as the market matures and responds to a shifting landscape shaped by new regulations, COVID upheaval and societal change.
In this whitepaper we take a closer look at what’s driving change in the region and the issues claimants and funders should consider if they are to successfully navigate their way through it.
Download the whitepaper now
What have 4 years of WAMCA brought us?
After three years it is time to take stock. This new edition of WAMCA whitepaper is authored by Deminor General Counsel Netherlands Joeri Klein, Finch Dispute Resolution Partner, Koen Rutten and with assistance from Caspar Vermande. The available data has been analyzed in detail to understand the real impact of years of WAMCA.
Download the e-book now
Lexology In-Depth: Third Party Litigation Funding
In-Depth: Third Party Litigation Funding (formerly The Third Party Litigation Funding Law Review) provides an overview of and an annual guide to the law and practice of third party funding in jurisdictions where it is reasonably well established.
With a focus on significant recent cases and developments, it examines the key features of the legal and regulatory regimes governing funding agreements, as well as practical considerations when structuring these agreements.