No Cure, No Pay

In all our different service offerings we can offer no cure no pay arrangements. 

Winning is not enough

A positive judgment is an important step in the recovery process but it is worthless if it is not followed by a successful enforcement strategy. We are only compensated when the client has effectively recovered its losses, i.e. when the monies are in the client’s bank account.

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“We like to have ‘skin in the game’. Since we invest our own capital in our clients’ cases, we strive to achieve the best possible outcome for our clients while always carefully managing risks.”

Erik Bomans
- Chief Executive Officer


No up-front fees / expenses or risk

Deminor pays all fees and expenses, including its own cost, throughout the recovery process and protects its clients against litigation risk. The client faces no cash outlays during the entire recovery process.


No downside in case of loss

If the case is lost, you owe Deminor nothing. If you are ordered to pay expenses to the adverse party, Deminor covers them.


Backed up by a sound capital base

Thanks to several past successes, Deminor has been able to build a solid capital base and backlog of pending cases, laying the foundation for supporting investments in future cases. Where necessary, Deminor will involve external investors if the commitments and risks exceed our own financial capacity. Thanks to its privileged relations with external investors, Deminor’s financial capacity is unlimited.


Share of the result

In exchange for the payment of all costs related to a litigation project, Deminor will receive a variable amount depending on the recovery, if (and only if) there is recovery. The variable amount can be a share of the proceeds, a multiple of the amount invested or a percentage of the amount invested possibly in combination with a share of the proceeds.

We also work with other structures, as Deminor will try to achieve a maximum alignment of interest with the client and other stakeholders in the litigation. Deminor can offer diverse remuneration models to clients who are willing to co-invest in a recovery case, such as a combination of fixed fees and variable fees.

DEM-Litigation Funding And Support-Law firms - No Cure

Get in touch with one of our experts.

Would you like to join one of our pending cases, would you like to report a new case or solicit our support for a particular claim? Please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as practically possible.