Global IP litigation funding solutions

Deminor supports new and on-going IP disputes through its unique litigation financing solution.

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Deminor is a global leading intellectual property litigation funding company that will assess, fund and manage claims against IP / Patent / Trademark infringement on behalf of individual and corporate plaintiffs.

“The team at Deminor were instrumental in helping us to align our strategy and identify enforcement opportunities which we may not have considered. Their expertise has been invaluable in helping us to shape our vision and execute the project” 

Experts in litigation cases

Deminor has experience in litigation cases from a wide range of industries from telecoms, pharmaceuticals, automotive, healthcare technologies to digital and social media. Our specialists have in-depth experience of the Court systems of many jurisdictions having litigated themselves in the USA, Latin America, UK, Europe, Middle East, and APAC.

In 2021 alone, Deminor reviewed IP infringement cases across ten different jurisdictions, assessing patent, copyright, design, trade secret, and trademark claims.

Global IP practice is led by Dr. Emily O’Neill

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Our Intellectual Property practice is led by Dr. Emily O’Neill who has not only been recognized as a strategic IP leader by IAM Strategy 300 but also as a Corporate IP Star while managing the IP and litigation within an FTSE 110 company, in addition to having the role of Director, AIPPI UK and Committee Member of the AIPPI In-House Advisory Committee.

Her in-house corporate experience means that she has an understanding of the dynamics of bringing an enforcement action from a business perspective. Deminor’s team works collaboratively with companies and their law firms to identify optimal strategies for enforcement and can provide seed funding for early investigations to support its clients and their law firms to develop their cases.

Contact Dr. Emily O’Neill here

Increasing Growth of IP Infringement


Intangible assets, which include intellectual property represent an increasing proportion of the value of a company from 74% of the S&P 500 in 2020 to 90% of the value of S&P 500 companies in 2021. However, taking action where those intellectual property rights are infringed can be complex including technical legal analysis, taking action across multiple jurisdictions together with high legal and expert fees incurred in reaching a successful conclusion.

The convergence of technologies including digital and connected technologies becoming more significant in all sectors has meant that corporate IP strategies and risk management are evolving.

Take a look at some of our case studies and further reading below.

What do Litigation Funders Look for In Intellectual Property Cases?

Read this quick guide to help you understand if we can support and fund your case:

Contact us here

Deminor will assess, fund, and manage claims against IP / Patent / Trademark infringement on behalf of individual and corporate plaintiffs.

IP Litigation Funding Case Studies

Deminor receives an incredibly diverse array of IP litigation funding requests. Review our case studies to understand exactly how Litigation financing solutions might be applied against various IP disputes.

Why Deminor?

Founded in 1990, Deminor is a leading privately-owned and international litigation funder with offices in Brussels, London, Hamburg, New York, Hong Kong, Milan, and Luxembourg. Deminor’s name, derived from the French ‘défense des minoritaires’, reflects its origins in providing services to minority shareholders. Deminor is still very much defined by the pursuit of good causes and its determination to restore justice for clients.

Combining skillsets from 16 different nationalities and 14 languages, Deminor has funded cases in 18 jurisdictions including the Americas, the Middle East, and offshore centers such as the Cayman Islands and Bermuda. With specialists in arbitration, intellectual property, competition, corporate & post-M&A, investments, enforcement, and tax litigation, Deminor has achieved positive recoveries for clients in more than 81% of the cases it has funded, against an industry average of 70%.

In addition to funding one-to-one commercial claims, Deminor originates, syndicates, and funds group actions. In 2018, Deminor was instrumental in reaching the largest-ever settlement in Europe (EUR 1.3 bn in the Fortis case). Equally, the company does not shy away from being a first-mover in jurisdictions where funding has not been tested. It was the first funder to support collective actions in Italy and reached a landmark settlement in the Olympus securities action in Japan (2017).

Among its clients, Deminor counts the world’s leading public and private pension funds, asset managers, and sovereign wealth funds, in addition to state-owned, private, public, and charitable organizations. Out of the ten biggest investors worldwide, four are recurring clients of Deminor.