Dr. Malte Stübinger

Dr. Malte Stübinger

General Counsel Germany

Main tasks
Previous work experience
  • Attorney at Law (“Rechtsanwalt”) with Latham & Watkins, Litigation & Trial department, specialized in German and multinational disputes, Hamburg, Germany (2015-2021).
  • Research Associate with the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, focus on comparative company law, Hamburg, Germany (2008-2015).
  • Student Assistant with Prof. Heiderhoff, University of Hamburg, as part of the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot Court (2008/09).
  • PhD. (Dr. jur.) with distinction, Hamburg, Germany, 2015.
  • Bar Exam (“2. Staatsexamen”) with distinction, Hamburg, Germany, 2015.
  • State Exam (“1. Staatsexamen”) with distinction, Hamburg, Germany, 2009.
Additional information
  • Particular experience in handling and managing mass action and collective redress proceedings, both on plaintiffs’ and defendants’ side.
  • Co-Coordinator for Hamburg and Northern Germany for the DIS40 (Young Arbitrators‘ Initiative of the German Institution for Arbitration), since 2023.
  • Stübinger: Abermals schlechte Noten vom EuGH für Deutschland in Sachen Umwelt- und Gesundheitsschutz (Once again poor marks from the ECJ for Germany in environmental and health protection matters), KlimaRZ, in publishing, planned for issue 4, 2023.
  • Stübinger/von Zwehl: The Third Party Litigation Funding Law Review: Germany, The Third Party Litigation Funding Law Review, Edition 6, December 2022 (The Third Party Litigation Funding Law Review - The Law Reviews).
  • Stübinger/von Zwehl: The Third Party Litigation Funding Law Review: Austria, The Third Party Litigation Funding Law Review, Edition 6, December 2022 (The Third Party Litigation Funding Law Review - The Law Reviews).
  • Stübinger: David gegen Goliath: Neue Gesetze verleihen Deutschland Sonderstellung im Kampf gegen die Marktdominanz der Big-Tech-Unternehmen (David against Goliath: New laws give Germany a special position in the fight against the market dominance of big tech companies) Onlinemarketing.de, June 2022 (David gegen Goliath: Neue Gesetze verleihen Deutschland Sonderstellung im Kampf gegen die Marktdominanz der Big-Tech-Unternehmen | OnlineMarketing.de).
  • Stübinger/Thiele: D&O Versicherungen: Anrechnung von Schadensabwehrkosten auf die Deckungssumme und Wirksamkeit von Serienschadenklauseln, Betriebs-Berater 2022, S. 1027-1032 (with Dr. Dominic Thiele).
  • Stübinger: Zinsen, in: Stancke/Weidenbach/Lahme (Hrsg), Handbuch Kartellrechtliche Schadensersatzklagen (Interest, in: Stancke/Weidenbach/Lahme (editors), Handbook Antitrust damages claims), 2018; 2nd. edition: 2021.
  • Schuler/Stübinger: Verjährung, in: Stancke/Weidenbach/Lahme (Hrsg), Handbuch Kartellrechtliche Schadensersatzklagen (Statutes of Limitation, in: Stancke/Weidenbach/Lahme (editors), Handbook Antitrust damages claims), 2018; 2nd. edition: 2021.
  • D. Thesis: Teilnehmerhaftung bei fehlerhafter Kapitalmarktinformation in Deutschland und den USA (Civil aiding and abetting liability for market misrepresentation in Germany and the United States), 2015 (Teilnehmerhaftung bei fehlerhafter Kapitalmarktinformation in Deutschland und den USA 978-3-16-153939-8 - Mohr Siebeck).
  • Stübinger/Heiderhoff: PEPP – Programme in European Law for Postgraduates, Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht (Journal for European Private Law) 2013, 209-215 (with Prof. Bettina Heiderhoff).
Conferences & Courses
  • “Geht auf’s Haus”, Discussion on legal education and careers in law, Schweitzer Fachmedien and EL§A Hamburg, February 2023 (Geht aufs Haus - Jura Talk Online - Schweitzer Fachinformationen (schweitzer-online.de)).
  • Panelist “Jurisdictional Differences across Europe” at IMN International Litigation Finance Forum, London, UK, October 2022.
  • “Current Trends in Litigation Funding”, Hamburg Litigation Stammtisch, October 2021.
  • „Prozessrisikoanalyse – ist ein gerichtliches Vorgehen im Einzelfall sinnvoll?“,("Litigation risk analysis - does legal action make sense in individual cases?), BUJ Dispute Resolution Summit, October 2021.
  • Keynote for the EL§A Annual Meeting 2021 on and Diversity in Law the Status Quo of Legal Education, June 2021.
  • Being * in Arbitration – Panel Discussion of the ICDR Young Arbitrators’ Group on Diversity issues in Commercial Arbitration, March 2021.
  • Research stays at the University of Cambridge, UK (Wolfson College), in Wroclaw (Poland) and Valencia (Spain), 2012-2015.
  • Lectureships at the University of Hamburg and at the China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing (China), 2011-2014.
Professional Organizations
  • “Ones to Watch” in Litigation & Arbitration, Germany, BestLawyers and Handelsblatt, 2022.
  • German (native).
  • English (near-native / fluent).

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