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About Deminor 

Deminor is the brand name of the Deminor Recovery Services group, a group of companies whose strategic focus is to assist businesses and investors in monetising legal claims.

A pioneer and a leading force

We are not afraid to push boundaries in the pursuit of our clients’ interests, with the aim of restoring justice.

Deminor is a pioneer in its field and has been a leading force in numerous high-profile securities actions globally. This track record extends to the Fortis case which produced a record settlement (EUR 1.3 bn) for investors in Europe. Deminor has also been active in Asia and represented a diverse foreign investor base in the Olympus matter, securing a significant settlement. For further publicly available information on settled cases, please visit the cases section on this web site.

Deminor has activities in 21 different jurisdictions and offices in 9 different cities in Continental Europe, the U.K., the U.S. and Asia.

Abour Deminor2



Deminor's Team brings to the table a diversity of academic backgrounds, skill sets and languages. Over a decade of combined experience has cemented the team’s expertise in cross-jurisdictional litigation, claims management, enforcement of shareholder rights, settlement negotiations and corporate governance.


Deminor constantly strives to comply with the highest possible ethical standards. Therefore we refuse to defend positions and interests of clients that are not in line with our own ethical standards and values.



Creation of Deminor. Launch of the activities in Belgium with focus on investors and shareholders in both listed and privately owned companies.


Deminor obtains its first major victory on behalf of private and institutional investors in the controversial acquisition of the Belgian group Wagon-Lits by the French Accor.


Deminor launches its voting and corporate governance rating activities for a number of European institutional investors.


Deminor develops international activities in France, the Netherlands, Italy and Switzerland.


Deminor sells its corporate governance activities (voting and rating) to Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS).


Launch of Deminor Investment Management, which focuses on highly specialized investment management.


Deminor Recovery Services (DRS) becomes a separate business unit fully dedicated to investment recovery, investor protection and collective securities litigation.


DRS launches several high profiles cases in various European countries and, as from 2012, in Japan.


New Deminor Group structure with the two separate business units  becoming distinct legal entities: Deminor Recovery Services and ‘Deminor SA/NV’.


DRS launches its Anti-Trust Actions business line; initiation of first anti-trust case.


Successful conclusion of first case in Hong Kong; opening of Hong Kong office.

Successful conclusion of Fortis settlement, the largest settlement ever for investors in Europe.


DRS launches new Commercial Litigation Funding business line; opening of London office


Opening of Hamburg office.


Opening of Madrid office.


Leading role in the EUR 800 m Steinhoff deal, the first of its kind in Africa and the second largest ever in Continental Europe.


Opening of Stockholm office.