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How litigation funding works

We have the ability to close funding deals in 4 weeks.

From Request for funding to Funding agreement

Deminor’s decision-making and documentation process is one of the most efficient in the market. We are able to close litigation funding deals in 4-6 weeks, subject to securing the necessary information for case assessment.

Erik Bomans
Chief Executive Officer

The litigation process

Deminor offers two possible options for the management of its litigation project. The client and his/her lawyer choose Deminor’s level of involvement. Due to regulatory restrictions in certain jurisdictions, Deminor’s role may be limited to funding only.

The client remains
the ultimate decision maker

Even if Deminor provides litigation management support services, the client remains the ultimate decision maker. Deminor does not have a veto right and will never impose a decision. However, some caveats are laid out in the contract to protect the interests of the funder, for example when the client wishes to terminate the contract or accept a settlement at conditions below fair value.

Litigation Funding in 3 steps


Do you want to learn more about Litigation Funding?

Why would a corporation make use of third-party funding for its litigation or arbitration claims? Does it work for all claims? How does it work and what are the steps from initial assessment to closing of the funding? These and many other questions will be addressed in our Litigation Funding e-book.

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Examples of Litigation Funding cases

Business Interruption Claims

In 2021-2022, Deminor helped several business owners in France in their pursuit of indemnification from insurance companies for losses suffered due to lockdown ...

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How does Deminor assess cases? Example with a M&A Dispute in Asia


Deminor worked closely with a Hong Kong law firm which was seeking funding for an HKIAC arbitration, with Hong Kong law applicable, arising out of an...

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Litigation funding supports a partner in a joint venture

An Italian company Vengari SpA set up a joint venture (‘JV’) with French company Gonier SA for the production of goods in a special common segment of their resp...

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