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Deminor contributes to groundbreaking ClientEarth report nl

Know Your Rights - A guide for institutional investors to the law on climate-related shareholder resolutions

As the climate crisis intensifies, investors are right to be seriously concerned about the way in which many high-emitting companies are managing the myriad risks of climate change. Yet, when investors seek to engage with companies on climate change, they must navigate complex and confusing legal frameworks.

Client Earth

We are very proud that Deminor was able to be one of the key partners and contributors to this groundbreaking report which assists investors to navigate those frameworks in respect of one specific tool they have at their disposal: namely, the right to file climate-related shareholder resolutions.

When used properly, climate-related shareholder resolutions can be a potent driver of change at companies. As such, the report guides investors through the legal complexities across thirteen key jurisdictions in Europe. It explains the division of powers between shareholders and the Board under the local law of each jurisdiction, how climate-related resolutions should be framed, and the various ‘process’ elements to filing.

The report thereby helps to remove a common roadblock to investor engagement on climate change. Investors are encouraged to read on – and to test the position by filing high-ambition climate resolutions at the 2022 AGM season and beyond.

We would like to extend our special thanks to a number of key Deminor team members who were instrumental in helping to produce this report: Edouard Fremault, Felix von Zwehl, Rosario Marcone & Stéphanie Abiraad.

Click here to download the report for free




Geschreven op 07 december 2021 door


Deminor helps businesses and investors monetise legal claims.

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